Medisource Supply (Asia) Co. Ltd. is a Hong Kong company founded in 2003. We are supplying various health care products, medical consumables and devices to local clinics, hospitals, associations, NGOs, etc. Our products fall into the fields of, but not limited to, anesthesiology and breathing, critical care & emergency, endoscopy, ultrasound diagnostics, home care and beauty.
Accurate diagnosis in adults and children from birth upwards;
Age, gender and ethnicity specific criteria to improve accuracy for individual patients;
Critical Value highlighted warning aid rapid response for potentially urgent issues;
Automated diagnosis using the electrode placement is ideal for paediatric patients;
àAutomated re-anlysis after modification of patient demographics aids rapid ECG capture with the option to add patient information later. Digital pacemaker detection provides reliable report of atrial, ventricular and A-V sequential pacing mode without selecting pacemaker detection sensitivity.
Mindray BeneHeart R12
BeneHeart R12
HKMD number: 140076
Environment and Modernization
Paperless process delivers faster patient testing and reduces the use of costly ECG paper.
Quality and Performance
Easy to use technology saves your time
Measurement and Diagnosis
Globally recognized Glasgow 12-lead analysis supports diagnostic confidence:
àAutomated re-anlysis after modification of patient demographics aids rapid ECG capture with the option to add patient information later. Digital pacemaker detection provides reliable report of atrial, ventricular and A-V sequential pacing mode without selecting pacemaker detection sensitivity.
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